Failure by residents to promptly register for or renew their ID card within 30 days of its expiration may result in daily fines of Dh20.

In the UAE, both citizens and expatriates are required to possess a mandatory identification card known as the Emirates ID. Failure to renew or losing the Emirates ID can lead to fines as high as Dh20,000.

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs, and Ports Security (ICP) oversees 14 different violations related to Emirates ID and UAE visa services. Depending on the specific violation, penalties range from Dh20 per day up to Dh20,000. Here is a list of the 14 violations applicable to Emirates ID, residence, and foreign affairs services.

6 Residency and Foreign Affairs Fine

ICP highlighted six fines of Dh500 each for violations concerning residency and foreign affairs services. These fines are imposed in the following cases:

  1. Submission of transactions by a company representative that do not pertain to the company
  2. Inputting data via e-dirham that does not belong to the company
  3. Failure to renew the company representative’s card
  4. Failure to carry the card while submitting transactions
  5. Violation of the work system at service centers
  6. Non-compliance with pledges submitted to the ICP

3 Violations Worth Dh5,000

The ICP also specified fines for the following offenses:

  1. Misuse of the system
  2. Obstructing or failing to cooperate with ICP employees
  3. Failure of users to pay the specified fees required for ICP services

Two Emirates ID Renewal Fine

Residents who fail to register for or renew their ID card within 30 days of its expiration may incur daily late fines of Dh20, with a maximum penalty reaching Dh1,000.

The passport authority also outlined specific fines: Dh100 for inaccuracies in printing requests made by system users, Dh3,000 for providing incorrect data or false information by service recipients, and Dh20,000 for issuing visas or entry permits to non-existent entities (companies with no activity).

Lost Emirates ID

In addition to the aforementioned regulations, individuals who have lost their Emirates ID card or suspect it has been stolen or damaged are required to promptly apply for a replacement through the ICP and pay applicable fees.

To replace a lost or damaged ID card, applicants must pay a fee of Dh300. Additional application fees of Dh70 apply when applying through typing centres, or Dh40 when applying through the eForm on the ICA website.

These fees are applicable to UAE nationals, GCC nationals, and expatriate residents. An expedited ID replacement service is available at the ICA main Customer Happiness Centre for an additional fee of Dh150.

Exemption From Late Renewal

Emiratis and residents have the option to apply for exemptions from penalties incurred due to late renewal of their Emirates ID under specific circumstances. The ICP has outlined clear eligibility criteria that individuals must satisfy in order to qualify for waiver of fines. Here’s how to request exemptions:

  1. Individuals who have been outside the country for more than three months, and their Emirates ID expired after their departure date, provided this is documented.
  2. Individuals whose ID expired due to deportation, administrative decisions, judicial rulings, or seized passports pending cases, supported by official documentation from relevant authorities.
  3. Individuals who did not have an ID card before acquiring nationality or obtaining a family book.
  4. Individuals who are bedridden, suffering from a contagious disease, or have partial or full disability, supported by a medical certificate from relevant authorities.
  5. Staff of diplomatic or consular missions and those under their care.
  6. Elderly individuals (aged 70 and above) who are unable to visit customer happiness centers across different emirates, with age verified by their family book, passport, or other UAE-approved documents.
  7. Emiratis under the social security system and their dependents, needing to prove their financial status with an official certificate from the Ministry of Social Affairs or relevant authorities to qualify for exemption.
  8. Instances where delay in updating or renewing the Emirates ID card is attributed to a computer error, allowing fines to be waived.

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